Cast On! The beginning of any knitting project.

Have you ever been that person who sits there staring at the instructions wondering how to begin? I have been that person many a time. I am not what you would consider a handyman. I remember one time after moving into a new house my wife asked me to hang some pictures. I made some measurements, used a level and after about 3 hours I had that picture on the wall and even in the right(ish) place. I turned around, looked at my wife, slid the handle of the hammer through my belt loop and declared “Good thing you married a handyman”. To which my wife pointed to the dozen photos she had hung in the same amount of time…. I have been known to have paralysis by analysis.

When I started knitting I would take too much time picking which pattern I would use for a project. I would gather all the materials and make sure I bought quality yarn and of course the right needles. I would print out the pattern and read it over and have a good idea what was to come. Then I would reread the pattern a few more times and learn all about it. What I would fail to do is actually CAST STITCHES ONTO MY NEEDLE and get started. I was paralyzed at times by my lack of knowledge and lack of skills.

What I learned is that sometimes you just need to take the first step. I have learned that this applies to almost everything in my life at some point. Don’t overthink your knitting. Just follow the steps. Knitting is a simple process and if you stick to the plan and go step – by – step you will be just fine. The most important thing is JUST GET STARTED.

Please answer so I can better understand where you are as a knitter!


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