So you managed to get some stitches cast onto your needle… Not what?!?!

I have been trying to think of the best sports analogy for the knit stitch and I couldn’t land on just one. So here you go:

In baseball it would be the fastball, not fancy yet effective, foundational to any pitchers success.

In football it would be the 3 step drop pass, not fancy yet effective, foundational to any QB’s success.

For hunters it would be the equivalent of learning to load the rifle or nock the arrow, you have to know that before you can do anything else. Foundational.

If cooking is more your style it is comparable to knowing how to use a knife for slicing. Foundational.

For parents it is the same as knowing how to change the diaper without making a giant mess, and sometimes you still make the mess anyway…

The knit stitch is the foundation of most everything else we do in knitting. You cannot learn to cable, slip stitches, purl, garter, stockinette, bobble or any other fancy term you have come across until you have the knit stitch in your quiver of knitting goodness.

The good thing though is mastering the knit stitch is not hard! Remember, knitting is nothing more than a process. You follow the process and everything works out. The video below breaks down the process of the knit stitch into 4 simple steps. Follow along to become an expert in no time!

Please answer so I can better understand where you are as a knitter!

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